team dynamics

Think Systemically: photo of iceberg. photo credit: annie-spratt

#95 Think Systemically To Lead Effectively Through Conflict

Think systemically. This is the second dimension of leadership in conflict. (In blog post #93 I outlined eight dimensions of leadership that empower a leader to be more effective in conflict.) Conflict is a wonderful barometer of organizational life. A disruptive dispute between two individuals may be attributable to their personalities or lack of skill, […]

#95 Think Systemically To Lead Effectively Through Conflict Keep Reading »

Take responsibility for conflict: image of fighting

#94 Take Responsibility For Conflict In Working Relationships

In the previous blog post I outlined eight dimensions of leadership that empower a leader to be more effective in conflict. This post expands on the first dimension – Responsibility. It provides some food for thought regarding how to take responsibility for conflict in working relationships and in doing so safeguard organizational productivity. I was

#94 Take Responsibility For Conflict In Working Relationships Keep Reading »

Potent Alternatives to the Use of Authority

#81 Potent Alternatives to the Use of Authority

In the previous blog I outlined five practices that sustain the power of authority for positive and constructive uses. In this blog I explore in a more focused manner the relationship between authority and power, and suggest two ways that skilled authoritarians can best use their power. I have observed that highly competent leaders, managers,

#81 Potent Alternatives to the Use of Authority Keep Reading »

Five Practices for Sustaining Positive Use of Authority

#79 Five Practices For Sustaining Positive Use Of Authority

A coach has authority over members of a team. If people report to you in the workplace then you have authority. In a family, parents usually have significant authority over their children until they no longer live together. By authority I mean a position in society, an organization, or a community that gives you the

#79 Five Practices For Sustaining Positive Use Of Authority Keep Reading »

#33 Use A Policy Of Joint Escalation To Shift Organizational Culture

  Regarding a joint escalation policy, there are two central aspects to what I mean. Firstly, conflict is generally held at the level where it originates in the organizational hierarchy. Secondly, if it is moved up the authority chain, it is done so in a collaborative manner. This blog further explains joint escalation using two

#33 Use A Policy Of Joint Escalation To Shift Organizational Culture Keep Reading »

#28 Relationship Repair On Teams

Members of an effective team bring passion to their work. That passion results is strong points of view and contributes to the intensity of differences. When the differences are experienced as incompatible, which at times is inevitable, conflict is born. Effective team members therefore require an interpersonal tolerance to differences and a capacity to engage

#28 Relationship Repair On Teams Keep Reading »

#22 Vulnerability on Teams

  High performance teams where the group achieves surprising levels of productivity are rare. The consultant Patrick Lencioni writes about five important team capacities: trust, conflict engagement, commitment, accountability, and results focus. When referring to trust, which he places at the foundation of a well-functioning team, Lencioni stresses the vulnerability face of trust. Vulnerability means

#22 Vulnerability on Teams Keep Reading »

#7 Empower the Effectiveness of Your Team with Process

  Tasks are what a team does to accomplish its objectives. Process is how the team goes about those tasks. Being an effective team depends as much on team processes as the capabilities of its membership. Process is particularly relevant in team meetings. Shifting to process requires two steps. We have to notice what is

#7 Empower the Effectiveness of Your Team with Process Keep Reading »

#6 The Task and Process Approach to Team Communication

  One of the most important skills of conflict competence is understanding and making use of the difference between task and process.   We will continue to make use of the team meeting in an imaginary organization first introduced two weeks ago. Stephanie had begun to comment on a product concept. Fred cut her off

#6 The Task and Process Approach to Team Communication Keep Reading »

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