team development

build conflict competence on your team

#98 Six Practices to Build Conflict Competence on Your Team

Conflict is a normal part of team relationships. In fact, differences between team members are usually not problematic in themselves, but how teams work with their differences can be. You have to be able to connect with each other over differences to build conflict competence on your team. When you do, clashes of viewpoints or […]

#98 Six Practices to Build Conflict Competence on Your Team Keep Reading »

Think Systemically: photo of iceberg. photo credit: annie-spratt

#95 Think Systemically To Lead Effectively Through Conflict

Think systemically. This is the second dimension of leadership in conflict. (In blog post #93 I outlined eight dimensions of leadership that empower a leader to be more effective in conflict.) Conflict is a wonderful barometer of organizational life. A disruptive dispute between two individuals may be attributable to their personalities or lack of skill,

#95 Think Systemically To Lead Effectively Through Conflict Keep Reading »

#7 Empower the Effectiveness of Your Team with Process

  Tasks are what a team does to accomplish its objectives. Process is how the team goes about those tasks. Being an effective team depends as much on team processes as the capabilities of its membership. Process is particularly relevant in team meetings. Shifting to process requires two steps. We have to notice what is

#7 Empower the Effectiveness of Your Team with Process Keep Reading »

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