Roger Fisher

#65 Lack Of Trust: A Threat To Collaborative Negotiation And How To Get Past It

This is the second in a series of blogs exploring factors that can threaten collaborative negotiation. The previous blog examined tricks and power grabs; this one looks at lack of trust. In Getting to Yes, Fisher and Ury suggest that one can proceed in negotiation independent of trust. Counter-intuitively, they are saying that when either […]

#65 Lack Of Trust: A Threat To Collaborative Negotiation And How To Get Past It Keep Reading »

Reciprocity: Us It As A Guide In Responding To Manipulation

#64 Reciprocity: Use It As A Guide In Responding To Manipulation

This blog owes its central theme of using reciprocity in negotiation to Gordon Sloan’s take on a passage in Fisher and Ury’s Getting to Yes. Negotiation should be reciprocal communication, that is, each party should be able to participate in negotiation in an equivalent manner. Therefore, if only one party is able to use a

#64 Reciprocity: Use It As A Guide In Responding To Manipulation Keep Reading »

Building Trust

#57 Building Trust in the Absence of Integrity

This blog further explores the notion introduced in Blog #17 that there are different approaches to trust. There, I initially named these approaches ‘faces of trust,’ and in this blog I am describing them as qualities that we can rely on in someone else to build trust. This blog also pulls together several ideas from

#57 Building Trust in the Absence of Integrity Keep Reading »

#36 How To Come Up With Your BATNA

In their groundbreaking book on negotiation, Getting to Yes, Fisher and Ury introduced the concept of Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA). The authors present the BATNA, which is also applicable to conflict situations, as a more useful and powerful concept than having a ‘bottom line’. The bottom line is the worst deal that is still

#36 How To Come Up With Your BATNA Keep Reading »

#23 The Origins of Conflict and Creativity

Mediators such as myself sometimes speak to their clients about the creative opportunity that conflict may present. Really, how deep and foundational is this notion of a link between conflict and creative opportunity? Deep I think. Whether speaking of creativity in such a manner is an effective way to engage a mediation participant is another

#23 The Origins of Conflict and Creativity Keep Reading »

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