
Bad Actor: photo of man with arms crossed looking out at us

# 90 Bookended Negotiation for Dealing with Bad Actors

How do you effectively respond to someone who is harming others or someone who is having a negative influence on the performance of others? Someone who will not engage with you in a meaningful manner? In other words, bad actors. You just can’t get that person to the table… Perhaps powerful backup is called for. […]

# 90 Bookended Negotiation for Dealing with Bad Actors Keep Reading »

Potent Alternatives to the Use of Authority

#81 Potent Alternatives to the Use of Authority

In the previous blog I outlined five practices that sustain the power of authority for positive and constructive uses. In this blog I explore in a more focused manner the relationship between authority and power, and suggest two ways that skilled authoritarians can best use their power. I have observed that highly competent leaders, managers,

#81 Potent Alternatives to the Use of Authority Keep Reading »

Five Practices for Sustaining Positive Use of Authority

#79 Five Practices For Sustaining Positive Use Of Authority

A coach has authority over members of a team. If people report to you in the workplace then you have authority. In a family, parents usually have significant authority over their children until they no longer live together. By authority I mean a position in society, an organization, or a community that gives you the

#79 Five Practices For Sustaining Positive Use Of Authority Keep Reading »

#43 Power Down: Share Power To Level The Playing Field With Subordinates

In the previous blog I wrote about how to advance your interests when dealing with someone who has authority over you. In this blog, I will present some perspectives on how to encourage your subordinates to open up with you and provide you with valuable feedback. Most of us have heard subordinates talking privately about

#43 Power Down: Share Power To Level The Playing Field With Subordinates Keep Reading »

#42 Power Up: How To Level The Playing Field When The Other Person Has More Authority Than You Do

Participants in my classes will frequently ask how to work with someone who has more power than they do. This question often refers to someone who has more authority. Authority is only one form of power and when we view it as absolute it will blind us to other sources of power that we have.

#42 Power Up: How To Level The Playing Field When The Other Person Has More Authority Than You Do Keep Reading »

#19 How Trustworthy Is That Person? Four Considerations

  In my first blog on trust I introduced five faces of trust. Integrity is probably the face of trust that we most often relate to.  It involves relying on people behaving and acting in the way that they present themselves to us. In The Truth about Trust David DeSteno makes four helpful suggestions regarding

#19 How Trustworthy Is That Person? Four Considerations Keep Reading »

#12 Increase Your Power at Negotiation

  I am using the term ‘negotiation’ broadly, applying it to a wide variety of situations where groups or individuals are seeking an agreement. Central elements of a negotiation are similar whether it is a personal relationship, a business arrangement, or a diplomatic issue between nations. In all of these situations the parties have different

#12 Increase Your Power at Negotiation Keep Reading »

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