organizational culture

Conflict Resolution Training: Back of the Class

#100 Think Twice Before Bringing in Conflict Resolution Training

You may be surprised by the next sentence… If you would like your team or organization to be more competent in conflict, then you should think twice before bringing in conflict resolution training. It’s not that training isn’t needed. It is. But there’s more than the training itself to plan for.  Firstly, consider some of […]

#100 Think Twice Before Bringing in Conflict Resolution Training Keep Reading »

Conflict Competence through policy development. Photo by cowomen-unsplash

#97 Support Conflict Competence With Policy Development

What policies will support an organization in gaining conflict competence? Firstly, there has to be a conscious decision by leadership that it would like personnel to be effective in dealing with conflict, and an intention to take concrete steps to make that happen. Without such a deliberate direction, policy development will not be culturally supported

#97 Support Conflict Competence With Policy Development Keep Reading »

Think Systemically: photo of iceberg. photo credit: annie-spratt

#95 Think Systemically To Lead Effectively Through Conflict

Think systemically. This is the second dimension of leadership in conflict. (In blog post #93 I outlined eight dimensions of leadership that empower a leader to be more effective in conflict.) Conflict is a wonderful barometer of organizational life. A disruptive dispute between two individuals may be attributable to their personalities or lack of skill,

#95 Think Systemically To Lead Effectively Through Conflict Keep Reading »

#33 Use A Policy Of Joint Escalation To Shift Organizational Culture

  Regarding a joint escalation policy, there are two central aspects to what I mean. Firstly, conflict is generally held at the level where it originates in the organizational hierarchy. Secondly, if it is moved up the authority chain, it is done so in a collaborative manner. This blog further explains joint escalation using two

#33 Use A Policy Of Joint Escalation To Shift Organizational Culture Keep Reading »

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