
Bad Actor: photo of man with arms crossed looking out at us

# 90 Bookended Negotiation for Dealing with Bad Actors

How do you effectively respond to someone who is harming others or someone who is having a negative influence on the performance of others? Someone who will not engage with you in a meaningful manner? In other words, bad actors. You just can’t get that person to the table… Perhaps powerful backup is called for. […]

# 90 Bookended Negotiation for Dealing with Bad Actors Keep Reading »

Intangible Interests: image of a fairy

#62 Quantifying Intangible Interests In Negotiation

Intangible interests are subjective interests that are difficult to quantify, for example privacy, reputation, and honour. It is difficult to weigh one option against another when you know they are relevant but have trouble determining the extent of their value. Below are three examples. In every case, one can estimate a value for the intangible

#62 Quantifying Intangible Interests In Negotiation Keep Reading »

#13 Preparing for Negotiation When There is Conflict

  In my previous blog I provided some questions that will help you prepare for any negotiation. The questions below are supplemental. They are additional preparatory questions to help you orient yourself and ground yourself when there are conflict dynamics in a negotiating relationship. These questions also deepen your preparation work. The questions below also function to

#13 Preparing for Negotiation When There is Conflict Keep Reading »

#12 Increase Your Power at Negotiation

  I am using the term ‘negotiation’ broadly, applying it to a wide variety of situations where groups or individuals are seeking an agreement. Central elements of a negotiation are similar whether it is a personal relationship, a business arrangement, or a diplomatic issue between nations. In all of these situations the parties have different

#12 Increase Your Power at Negotiation Keep Reading »

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