
Workplace mediation - three glasses of coffee representing three variations

#99 Workplace Mediation: Three Variations to Consider

This post will focus on the use of mediation between personnel inside an organization. Such mediations are sometimes called “workplace mediation,” or “facilitated conversations.” The latter term emphasizes the relational and often informal nature of such mediations. If you’re a leader and two or several people in your department are in a conflict, here’s a […]

#99 Workplace Mediation: Three Variations to Consider Keep Reading »

#35 Peaceweaving in Organizations – What It Means to Me

The title of Canadian mediator Ben Hoffman‘s new book is Peaceweaving.  I find the word ‘peaceweaving’ descriptive of work I sometimes do inside large organizations. Destructive conflict creates a hole in the organizational fabric and mediation between the parties is not enough to repair the hole. Peaceweaving entails working more broadly in the organization, particularly within

#35 Peaceweaving in Organizations – What It Means to Me Keep Reading »

#27 Staying With Conflict: A Small Lesson In Conflict Transformation

Bernie Mayer has been encouraging us to stay with conflict (Staying with Conflict, 2008). I recall a mediation experience from five years ago that enriched my understanding of what it means to stay with conflict, and how staying with conflict can be helpful. Two parents and former spouses were in conflict over what school their

#27 Staying With Conflict: A Small Lesson In Conflict Transformation Keep Reading »

#25 Highlighted Differences Result In Mediation Settlement

The watershed moments in which disputes are resolved are many and varied. Recently, the participants late in a mediation, deviated from my suggested way of proceeding. They expressed their frank and full dissatisfaction and dislike of each other. I was surprised by how such expressions late in the mediation seemed to facilitate settlement. This was a

#25 Highlighted Differences Result In Mediation Settlement Keep Reading »

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