
"He's A Liar" – Why People Say It When It's Not True

#85 “He’s A Liar” – Why People Say It When It’s Not True

Reporting false information is not always a lie. It is frequently due to errors of perception and memory that are described in the previous blog. Therefore, the statement “He’s a liar” is often factually incorrect. As often as not, people unknowingly rather than knowingly report false information. There is a rich irony here. To say […]

#85 “He’s A Liar” – Why People Say It When It’s Not True Keep Reading »

photo: He's A Liar

#84 “He’s a Liar” – Why That’s Often Not True

He said something false… Others told us what he says is not true. We have documentation. We were there at the time and it didn’t happen that way. He’s trying to hide something, avoid responsibility, or unfairly advance his interests. It’s clear because what he is saying is not true, so he’s a liar. Right?

#84 “He’s a Liar” – Why That’s Often Not True Keep Reading »

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