Ken Cloke

Making It Personal - an image of two lmale lions facing each other

#87 When ‘Making It Personal’ Adds Value

You’ve heard people say, “Let’s not make it personal” or “It’s not personal.” There’s a cluster of positive intentions behind these statements about making it personal; for example, a wish to stay focused on problem solving and not blame others, or an intention to prevent a conversation from degrading into personal attacks.  However, in the […]

#87 When ‘Making It Personal’ Adds Value Keep Reading »

#46 The Five Parts Of Us Impacted By Conflict

We have different parts to ourselves: body, mind, emotion, spirit, and heart. Conflict impacts some or all of these five parts of us. In the previous blog I wrote that we must communicate from the part that has been impacted in order to address the effects of conflict on that level. And, when trust is

#46 The Five Parts Of Us Impacted By Conflict Keep Reading »

#26 The Dark Side of Human Nature: Jian Gomeshi, Psychopaths, The Nazi Doctors, and Me

Whether CBC radio host Jian Gomeshi assaulted his dates as alleged or not, we know that there are people who do. A positive that has arisen from Jian’s fall is the ensuing discourse on and off-line about the dark side of human nature. Unquestionably, some of the best journalistic reflections on violence against women have

#26 The Dark Side of Human Nature: Jian Gomeshi, Psychopaths, The Nazi Doctors, and Me Keep Reading »

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