
The Conflict Journey - Co-Creating Peace - Gordon White

#88 Sustaining Peace With Co-Creation

In an episode of the On Conflict Podcast, author and Reos partner Adam Kahane quotes a line from the Broadway musical Rent: ‘The opposite of war is creation.’ Adam suggests that although ending war may be enough to begin peace, sustaining peace requires that we replace war with something constructive. For instance, formerly adversarial political […]

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creating value: image of a phoenix

#67 Creating Value in Negotiation

We negotiate because we want certain tangible interests satisfied. We may also need to talk through past events, or build a stronger working relationship. Additionally, there is another type of benefit to negotiation that can be a potential goldmine. It is the possibility of creating value that is not evident before negotiators meet. Creating value

#67 Creating Value in Negotiation Keep Reading »

#23 The Origins of Conflict and Creativity

Mediators such as myself sometimes speak to their clients about the creative opportunity that conflict may present. Really, how deep and foundational is this notion of a link between conflict and creative opportunity? Deep I think. Whether speaking of creativity in such a manner is an effective way to engage a mediation participant is another

#23 The Origins of Conflict and Creativity Keep Reading »

#22 Vulnerability on Teams

  High performance teams where the group achieves surprising levels of productivity are rare. The consultant Patrick Lencioni writes about five important team capacities: trust, conflict engagement, commitment, accountability, and results focus. When referring to trust, which he places at the foundation of a well-functioning team, Lencioni stresses the vulnerability face of trust. Vulnerability means

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