conflict avoidance

Take responsibility for conflict: image of fighting

#94 Take Responsibility For Conflict In Working Relationships

In the previous blog post I outlined eight dimensions of leadership that empower a leader to be more effective in conflict. This post expands on the first dimension – Responsibility. It provides some food for thought regarding how to take responsibility for conflict in working relationships and in doing so safeguard organizational productivity. I was […]

#94 Take Responsibility For Conflict In Working Relationships Keep Reading »

Agree to Disagree

#76 “Let’s Agree to Disagree”:  What Does this Mean and how to Respond?

“Let’s agree to disagree.” When someone says this, what do they mean? To me, the statement seems to carry with it both positive and negative messages. Positives are the idea that an agreement can be salvaged out of an apparent impasse, and a sense that we don’t have to break off relationship completely. At the

#76 “Let’s Agree to Disagree”:  What Does this Mean and how to Respond? Keep Reading »

#49 Conflict Avoidance: Four Types And Four Questions To Get You Re-engaged

You may have noted a theme in my blogs regarding my attitude to conflict. I think much of what we do that doesn’t work stems from conflict avoidance and our inability to be with conflict. I find that acceptance of conflict is more likely to facilitate a constructive shift in conflict dynamics which will then

#49 Conflict Avoidance: Four Types And Four Questions To Get You Re-engaged Keep Reading »

#4 Criticism and Attacks can be an Avoidance Strategy

  One of the most valuable and current books for a mediator is Bernie Mayer’s Staying with Conflict. One of the chapters covers the topic of conflict avoidance – the ways that people shy away from the conversations that would be beneficial for them.   I am sure you can relate to avoiding someone you

#4 Criticism and Attacks can be an Avoidance Strategy Keep Reading »

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