
Being Collaborative - image of rowers

#92 Being Collaborative — What It Means

Being collaborative is a guiding principle in many cooperative approaches to dispute resolution and conflict engagement. It is based on an underlying set of beliefs – primarily that certain forms of cooperation will lead to better outcomes for both parties. In this blog, I flush out how I further understand what it means to be […]

#92 Being Collaborative — What It Means Keep Reading »

Sharing your experience

#77 Report Your Experience – A Way To Help Others

We often share our immediate experience with others in social situations. This could be emotional experience, for example: “How exciting,” or “That gives me the creeps.” Or, it could be perceptual experience: “You seem to be putting a lot of time and energy into your hobby.” Sharing your experience builds connection and relationship. It’s part of

#77 Report Your Experience – A Way To Help Others Keep Reading »

Agree to Disagree

#76 “Let’s Agree to Disagree”:  What Does this Mean and how to Respond?

“Let’s agree to disagree.” When someone says this, what do they mean? To me, the statement seems to carry with it both positive and negative messages. Positives are the idea that an agreement can be salvaged out of an apparent impasse, and a sense that we don’t have to break off relationship completely. At the

#76 “Let’s Agree to Disagree”:  What Does this Mean and how to Respond? Keep Reading »

Image for strong and meaningful apology

#50 How To Communicate A Strong And Meaningful Apology

A strong and meaningful apology has to be genuinely felt. In fact, when it is deeply felt and communicated, the components described below will often be spontaneously expressed, or they may be expressed non-verbally. In a nutshell, a strong and meaningful apology requires that we both communicate empathy and take responsibility for our actions.

#50 How To Communicate A Strong And Meaningful Apology Keep Reading »

#6 The Task and Process Approach to Team Communication

  One of the most important skills of conflict competence is understanding and making use of the difference between task and process.   We will continue to make use of the team meeting in an imaginary organization first introduced two weeks ago. Stephanie had begun to comment on a product concept. Fred cut her off

#6 The Task and Process Approach to Team Communication Keep Reading »

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