Team Development

build conflict competence on your team

#98 Six Practices to Build Conflict Competence on Your Team

Conflict is a normal part of team relationships. In fact, differences between team members are usually not problematic in themselves, but how teams work with their differences can be. You have to be able to connect with each other over differences to build conflict competence on your team. When you do, clashes of viewpoints or […]

#98 Six Practices to Build Conflict Competence on Your Team Keep Reading »

Team Health - image with medical person with Stethoscope

#91 Team Health Builds Conflict Competence

Team health means that the building blocks of an effective team are in place. Without team health I find that unproductive conflicts are more likely to arise. All in all, conflict competence will be constrained. Conflict competence refers to how well an organization, team, or individual responds to conflict in all its manifestations.  Below, I

#91 Team Health Builds Conflict Competence Keep Reading »

#44 How to Harness the Power of Circle

When you speak sitting in a circle something magical happens. You listen and speak from a more genuine level and the potential of your group rises. The power of circle can be applied in settings as diverse as the corporate boardroom and the kindergarten schoolyard. Circle practices promote inclusivity, connection, and creativity.     By

#44 How to Harness the Power of Circle Keep Reading »

#28 Relationship Repair On Teams

Members of an effective team bring passion to their work. That passion results is strong points of view and contributes to the intensity of differences. When the differences are experienced as incompatible, which at times is inevitable, conflict is born. Effective team members therefore require an interpersonal tolerance to differences and a capacity to engage

#28 Relationship Repair On Teams Keep Reading »

#22 Vulnerability on Teams

  High performance teams where the group achieves surprising levels of productivity are rare. The consultant Patrick Lencioni writes about five important team capacities: trust, conflict engagement, commitment, accountability, and results focus. When referring to trust, which he places at the foundation of a well-functioning team, Lencioni stresses the vulnerability face of trust. Vulnerability means

#22 Vulnerability on Teams Keep Reading »

#16 Avoid a Pitfall: Be Transparent About Your Decision-Making

  You might be a manager speaking to subordinates, a coach talking to players, or a respected older sibling being consulted. When you have different priorities than others who you have some influence or control over, how do you work out differences? In every case your approach will lie somewhere on the continuum of telling

#16 Avoid a Pitfall: Be Transparent About Your Decision-Making Keep Reading »

#7 Empower the Effectiveness of Your Team with Process

  Tasks are what a team does to accomplish its objectives. Process is how the team goes about those tasks. Being an effective team depends as much on team processes as the capabilities of its membership. Process is particularly relevant in team meetings. Shifting to process requires two steps. We have to notice what is

#7 Empower the Effectiveness of Your Team with Process Keep Reading »

#6 The Task and Process Approach to Team Communication

  One of the most important skills of conflict competence is understanding and making use of the difference between task and process.   We will continue to make use of the team meeting in an imaginary organization first introduced two weeks ago. Stephanie had begun to comment on a product concept. Fred cut her off

#6 The Task and Process Approach to Team Communication Keep Reading »

#5 Track Topics to Derive more Benefit from Team Conflict

  In last week’s blog we visited a team meeting in an imaginary organization. Stephanie had begun to comment on a product concept. Fred cut her off and launched into a brief attack against the quality and timing of her input. Last week’s main point was that such an attack or expression of personal criticism

#5 Track Topics to Derive more Benefit from Team Conflict Keep Reading »

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