May 2021

Conflict Resolution Training: Back of the Class

#100 Think Twice Before Bringing in Conflict Resolution Training

You may be surprised by the next sentence… If you would like your team or organization to be more competent in conflict, then you should think twice before bringing in conflict resolution training. It’s not that training isn’t needed. It is. But there’s more than the training itself to plan for.  Firstly, consider some of […]

#100 Think Twice Before Bringing in Conflict Resolution Training Keep Reading »

Workplace mediation - three glasses of coffee representing three variations

#99 Workplace Mediation: Three Variations to Consider

This post will focus on the use of mediation between personnel inside an organization. Such mediations are sometimes called “workplace mediation,” or “facilitated conversations.” The latter term emphasizes the relational and often informal nature of such mediations. If you’re a leader and two or several people in your department are in a conflict, here’s a

#99 Workplace Mediation: Three Variations to Consider Keep Reading »

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