February 2020

Conflict Leadership - the eight dimensions

#93 Eight Dimensions of Conflict Leadership

I have been talking with my OnConflictPodcast partner Julia Menard about the dimensions of conflict leadership. These are the dimensions of understanding and action that empower one to lead an organization to greater competence in conflict. Below, I outline eight dimensions of conflict leadership as I understand them. There are, no doubt, other ways to slice the apple. 1. Responsibility […]

#93 Eight Dimensions of Conflict Leadership Keep Reading »

Being Collaborative - image of rowers

#92 Being Collaborative — What It Means

Being collaborative is a guiding principle in many cooperative approaches to dispute resolution and conflict engagement. It is based on an underlying set of beliefs – primarily that certain forms of cooperation will lead to better outcomes for both parties. In this blog, I flush out how I further understand what it means to be

#92 Being Collaborative — What It Means Keep Reading »

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