September 2016

#69 A Dialogue: Overcoming Mediation Resistance

The dialogue below is fictitious, but it is based on an experience I had as a mediator. It illustrates how mediation resistance can manifest, for example over encountering the other party The context is a court mediation program in which the mediator does not have the opportunity to conduct pre-mediation meetings. The Defendant and her […]

#69 A Dialogue: Overcoming Mediation Resistance Keep Reading »

underlying message

#68 How to Respond to an Underlying Message

A simple statement may carry with it a larger underlying message. If you take all simple statements literally, you will miss important elements of what the other person is communicating.     Trying to correctly infer the meaning of the underlying message is less important than noticing that there probably is an underlying message. Once

#68 How to Respond to an Underlying Message Keep Reading »

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