June 2016

#63 Use A Tripwire If You Feel Vulnerable In Negotiation

The notion of a ‘tripwire’ is a highly practical concept supplemental to the BATNA that Fisher and Ury wrote about in Getting to Yes. If you are concerned about being influenced to accept – in the heat of the moment – an agreement you will later regret, use a ‘tripwire.’ The tripwire is a line […]

#63 Use A Tripwire If You Feel Vulnerable In Negotiation Keep Reading »

Intangible Interests: image of a fairy

#62 Quantifying Intangible Interests In Negotiation

Intangible interests are subjective interests that are difficult to quantify, for example privacy, reputation, and honour. It is difficult to weigh one option against another when you know they are relevant but have trouble determining the extent of their value. Below are three examples. In every case, one can estimate a value for the intangible

#62 Quantifying Intangible Interests In Negotiation Keep Reading »

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