April 2015

#36 How To Come Up With Your BATNA

In their groundbreaking book on negotiation, Getting to Yes, Fisher and Ury introduced the concept of Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA). The authors present the BATNA, which is also applicable to conflict situations, as a more useful and powerful concept than having a ‘bottom line’. The bottom line is the worst deal that is still […]

#36 How To Come Up With Your BATNA Keep Reading »

#35 Peaceweaving in Organizations – What It Means to Me

The title of Canadian mediator Ben Hoffman‘s new book is Peaceweaving.  I find the word ‘peaceweaving’ descriptive of work I sometimes do inside large organizations. Destructive conflict creates a hole in the organizational fabric and mediation between the parties is not enough to repair the hole. Peaceweaving entails working more broadly in the organization, particularly within

#35 Peaceweaving in Organizations – What It Means to Me Keep Reading »

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