February 2015

#32 The Internalizing Conversation

Last time I wrote about how shifting some attention to yourself can help resolve a dispute. I used the example practice of clarifying your preferred direction in life then assessing whether your engagement in a conflict is consistent with movement in the desired direction. In this blog I will outline a potentially powerful way you […]

#32 The Internalizing Conversation Keep Reading »

#31 Shift Attention To Yourself To Break An Impasse

Conflict has a distracting quality. It may draw all our attention to the other party. We should direct considerable attention towards the other party – the person we have a conflict with – but not all of our attention. In attempting to alleviate discomfort and resolve a dispute, parties may look only externally.  Fixated on

#31 Shift Attention To Yourself To Break An Impasse Keep Reading »

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